Choosing the right technique. Continue Reading

Choosing the right technique. Continue Reading
A FEES view of manual therapy For most, getting the opportunity to visualize how manual therapy impacts internal structures is a rare event. I’m fortunate to have owners of FEES devices bring them to select Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders classes, allowing us to view those images. The methods taught in the… Continue Reading
We record a good amount of video at each live Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders class, including myself, training the clinicians who act as teaching assistants. When I mention the apparent asymmetry of her anterior transverse processes, notice the variation in the SCM landscape. Is asymmetry a problem, the “cause,” or is… Continue Reading
Deeper Dives: Live Online Courses If you are looking for the Zoom link to your live class: To satisfy requests from clinicians who want to know more about the work I teach through the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders, I will begin offering live, Zoom-based 60-minute classes on specific topics or… Continue Reading
January 5, 2021 Sports Therapy Association Podcast, including papers discussed (Link to the entire video interview) Some of the papers and resources spoken about in today’s podcast: A Framework and Resources for Shared Decision Making: Opportunities for Improved Physical Therapy Outcomes (Moore) Full-text link Manual therapy: Exploiting the role of human touch (Geri) Link The… Continue Reading
Walt Fritz, PT’s Podcasts, Videos, and Articles Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in a number of podcasts and interviews that are available for listening. They range from voice/swallowing-specific to more general interviews that speak to various aspects of the manual therapy work that I teach. Strongly represented are principles… Continue Reading
Manual Therapy in Voice/Swallowing Disorders: Hands-On Online Course (1) NOTE: ONLY PURCHASE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED AND COMPLETED THE INTRODUCTION TO THE EVIDENCE AND APPROACH COURSE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN YOU BEING UNENROLLED IN THIS COURSE. The Course With the exception of the Introductory material, this online course mirrors… Continue Reading
Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders Online Course v. II The Course Completion of this course allows the learners to take the in-person Advanced class. ABIQ 2013. ASHA Course Description: A foundational course for learning how to implement manual therapy, when appropriate, as part of the treatment plan for voice, swallowing, and related… Continue Reading
I was recently invited to an interview by the Pain Reframed podcast hosts. I spoke of my journey out of the MFR minefield and into evidence and science-informed manual therapy. We spoke about these changes and how I see manual therapy fitting into the current exercise/education-based culture of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Manual therapy is… Continue Reading
Manual Therapy in Voice/Swallowing Disorders: An Introduction to the Evidence. An online course. The Course NOTE: The content of this 2-hour Introduction to the Evidence and Approach Online Course is already included in the 8-hour Hands-On Online Course. There is no need to purchase both courses. This standalone course mirrors the pre-seminar online module for… Continue Reading