The mechanism of action for laryngeal manual therapies: the need for an update.

The mechanism of action for laryngeal manual therapies: the need for an update.

The mechanism of action for laryngeal manual therapies: the need for an update. In general, laryngeal manual therapies and manual therapy models tend towards narrow explanatory perspectives. Yet the various touch styles involved with such therapies have not been proven to be more than nonspecific. Having been taught through a modality that claims to target… Continue Reading

Seeing the Forest for the trees: Putting fascia in perspective when treating the whole person

Seeing the forest for the trees: Putting fascia in perspective when treating the whole person. (Placing individual tissue perspectives into context) Fascia is a hot topic among many health and fitness professionals, but why so? Can we treat fascia? As an isolated structure, can we, beyond a reasonable doubt, be accurate in blaming fascial problems… Continue Reading

Retrolaryngeal manual therapy for voice and swallowing-related issues

We record a good amount of video at each live Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders class, including myself, training the clinicians who act as teaching assistants. When I mention the apparent asymmetry of her anterior transverse processes, notice the variation in the SCM landscape. Is asymmetry a problem, the “cause,” or is… Continue Reading

One-on-One Learning Options

In addition to traditional onsite group seminars at locations around the globe, I am now offering private, one-on-one offerings of the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders training. These private classes are available at my Upstate New York clinic, accessible from the Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC). This option may also be available… Continue Reading

Putting patient preferences and values back in EBP

Putting patient preferences and values back in EBP

Putting patient preferences and values back in EBP Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been the accepted norm in medicine and rehabilitation for nearly 30 years, though exploration began of its concepts in the early 1970s (Zimerman, 2013). EBP consists of three elements: the best available evidence, the clinician’s knowledge, and skills, and the patient’s wants and… Continue Reading

State and National Continuing Education Approvals

State and National Continuing Education Approvals NCBTMB provider #451098-09, expires 8/31/2027 (All approvals, including the NY Sponsored approvals, may be downloaded here.) Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders ASHA CEUs: 1.45NCBTMB CEs: includes New York State, 15.0 Alaska: PT CEUs have been applied for in advance of the August 2024 class. OTs may… Continue Reading

Top Massage Therapy Continuing Education Listing

Top Massage Therapy Continuing Education Listing

Top Massage Therapy Continuing Education Listing I’m honored to be included on Massage & Fitness Magazine’s list of top massage therapy continuing educators. You can read the list at this link. Cheers, Walt Fritz, PT Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars and The Pain Relief Center Please consider checking out my online course offerings, ,… Continue Reading

Person-Focused Manual Therapy and the Singer

Person-Focused Manual Therapy and the Singer

Person-Focused Manual Therapy and the Singer Recently, I had the extreme pleasure to take part in a Facebook Live interview with Rachel Lynes, from The Sing Space. We unpacked a wide range of topics, including does fascia matter, how manual therapy impacts the singer (from tissues right up to the brain), and many more. We… Continue Reading

Manual Therapy in Voice/Swallowing Disorders: Hands-On Online Course (1)

Manual Therapy in Voice/Swallowing Disorders: Hands-On Online Course (1)

Manual Therapy in Voice/Swallowing Disorders: Hands-On Online Course (1) NOTE: ONLY PURCHASE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED AND COMPLETED THE INTRODUCTION TO THE EVIDENCE AND APPROACH COURSE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN YOU BEING UNENROLLED IN THIS COURSE. The Course With the exception of the Introductory material, this online course mirrors… Continue Reading

Stressing a Patient-led Experience

Stressing a Patient-led Experience

I was recently invited to an interview by the Pain Reframed podcast hosts. I spoke of my journey out of the MFR minefield and into evidence and science-informed manual therapy. We spoke about these changes and how I see manual therapy fitting into the current exercise/education-based culture of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Manual therapy is… Continue Reading

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies In the Issue 2, 2020 of MNZ Magazine I contributed an article that speaks to evolving ways to view the patient/clinician interaction. Manual therapy (MFR, massage, etc.) all tend to be operator-centric, where the clinician is seen as the expert and carries the weight of decision-making. But the interactor… Continue Reading

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