How to Integrate Manual Therapy for Voice. A Zoom Webinar

On June 11 I will be joining London, UK-based Vocal Coach Stephen King for a 90-minute How-To webinar on the integration of manual therapy for voice. I’ll do a quick unpackaging of a few myths (one of my favorite things to do!), establish a basis for how manual therapy can impact voice, followed by some fun how-to’s that you can do with yourself or your clients.
There is a £25 fee for the webinar and we have a limited number of seats that will be available. As a really special add-on, webinar attendees will receive a £100 discount off of my February 2021 full 2-day seminar to be held in London, UK. I am also extending a $100 discount to those on this side of the pond for my US/Canada seminars. If you cannot attend in person the webinar will be available via recording. Contact the Voice Care Center at to register.
Walt Fritz, PT
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