Manual Therapy: A Conversation with Walt Fritz on the NiceSpeechlady website

Manual Therapy: A Conversation with Walt Fritz on the NiceSpeechlady website

Wilson Nice, SLP, interviewed me for an article on her website. In articles like this, I get a chance to unpackaged things a bit and Wilson leads me through a series of questions to speak more about the role I play in the speech-language pathology community. You can read the entire article here.


Walt Fritz, PT

Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars

Copyright© 2020 Walt Fritz, PT

Please check out my seminar offerings at this link. I teach seminars across the globe to professionals of all types, including SLPs, Voice Professionals, and Massage/Physical/Occupational therapists. .

I am a proud member of the Medbridge Massage team of educators. I have 8 online courses, all presented from my updated, science-informed model of myofascial release. Take advantage of some pretty great discounts with a 12-month package of viewing, learning and CEUs with unlimited viewing of not only my (pretty great) courses but also over a dozen of the top educators in the massage profession. Approved for CEUs for all US MTs. Use the discount code FRITZmassage for the $49/year price by using this link: Medbridge Massage.

I can also offer some pretty great discounts to SLPs, PTs, and OTs through Medbridge Education. Click the image below here to have the discount applied.

Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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