By clicking the following link, you will be directed to the latest reference list used to support the work taught in the Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders. The list will be updated frequently.

References MFR for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders Seminar


Walt Fritz, PT

I am a proud member of the Medbridge Massage team of educators. I have 8 online courses, all presented from my updated, science-informed model of myofascial release. Take advantage of some pretty great discounts with a 12-month package of viewing, learning and CEUs with unlimited viewing of not only my (pretty great) courses but also over a dozen of the top educators in the massage profession. Approved for CEUs for all US MTs. Use the discount code FRITZmassage for the $49/year price by using this link: Medbridge Massage.

I can also offer some pretty great discounts to SLPs, PTs, and OTs through Medbridge Education. Click here to have the discount applied.


Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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