Itching and Body Work

A common aftermath of body work in  general can be redness and itching of the skin. I have seen this especially evident in the trunk and ribcage area and can sometimes be rather pronounced. I was taught that this was a reaction to histamine released from the cells, creating an itching sensation. What have you… Continue Reading

Leveling the Landscape

Much of Myofascial Release is about landscape. I look at posture to see deviations from mid line. I palpate tissue quality to determine tightness or restriction. I move into the rib cage to feel for areas that lack movement. These rib issues are what I want to address today. Working into the osseous structures has… Continue Reading


I’ve been using Myofascial Release for years with wonderful results. When I first began my training, I was exposed to soft tissue mobilization (STM) techniques that were less than soft, on both the therapist and patient. These deep, very painful techniques were taught as “last resort” techniques, but in truth were used quite commonly in… Continue Reading

Putting It All Together

So let me assume you’ve taken a seminar or two in Myofascial Release. You’ve gotten “the touch” of what a release feels like. You’ve learned a course book full of techniques. Now what to do with it? You may have been led to believe that taking more and more seminars is the only way to… Continue Reading

Osteoarthritis and Leg Length Inequality

A study has been published by the Annals of Internal Medicine that directly pertains to Myofascial Release treatment. This study, with over 3000 participants,  demonstrated a positive correlation between having a leg length discrepancy, or one leg longer than the other, and the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the knee. Older studies have shown that the… Continue Reading

When is it time to alter our beliefs?

An article came to my attention within the past few days, one that really challenges what I have been taught and practice. Titled “The fall of the postural-structural-biomechanical model in manual and physical therapies: Exemplified by lower back pain”. I’ve posted the link on my website Research page, #210. I am aware that there always… Continue Reading

Emotion and Touch

I came across a study from 2009 titled “The Communication of Emotion and Touch“. This study shows is how touch can accurately convey emotion from one person to another, as well as how a certain type of touch is specific to certain emotions. This is really a fascinating step toward understanding how body work, such… Continue Reading

Can we really do it all?

Myofascial Release is a powerful treatment modality when it comes to eliminating pain. But can we do it all? During my MFR training, I remember hearing a line stating something to the effect that talk therapy is ineffective, that until one reaches into the tissues where the trauma and emotions are held, one will never… Continue Reading

Why Didn’t My Physican Recommend Myofascial Release?

This is a common question I get from clients: How could something that helped them so much go unnoticed by their doctor? From your physician’s standpoint, I truly believe that they are inundated with “miracle cures” on a daily basis. From pharmaceutical representatives selling the newest medication, the dozens of medical journals they receive each… Continue Reading

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