Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Seminar Description

Join me in this small group class where we dive deeper into the hands-on work and method of patient interaction learned in the Introductory course. You’ll have a chance to work one-on-one with Walt throughout the class, receiving and giving intervention with ample direct mentoring. Working directly with Walt ensures you leave the class confident in your abilities. As the Advanced course comprises clinicians who’ve put the basic information into practice, we will discuss the strengths and struggles we’ve all faced. New material is introduced, and existing techniques from the Introductory class are enriched with options and practice.

Not completed the Introductory class?

If you have not taken the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing class and wish to jump in at the Advanced class, you can complete the Online version of the Introductory class, completing the necessary pre-requisite. This Bundled Option is available below, with a savings of $100. 


Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders Seminar (in-person or online.) You qualify if you’ve taken the Introductory class in the in-person or online format. Special discounts are available for those who wish to bundle the Online Introductory class with the in-person Advanced class. Please contact me from the link in the menu for details.

Course Description

The advanced manual therapy course is intended to refine and deepen the learner’s ability to evolve the information presented in the introductory Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders seminar. Sequences taught previously will be grown with new material, emphasizing patient-clinician dialoguing to maximize shared decision-making.

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcome

After completing this seminar, the Learner will demonstrate the ability to apply advanced reasoning and skill in using manual therapy (MT) and application of patient-centered interactions to appropriate voice disorders, swallowing, breathing, oral motor dysfunction, articulation, and related issues.

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of this workshop, the Learner will:

  1. Using existing skills learned from the Introductory seminar, with the addition of modifications provided in this Advanced seminar, demonstrate the ability to adapt hands-on sequences to better connect with their patient’s problems.
  2. Using perspectives of shared decision-making (SDM) demonstrate the ability to utilize dialoguing to narrow interventions to views felt as relevant on the part of the patient.
  3. Demonstrate a higher level of comfort and ease applying the blended approach of MT and SDM as observed by the instructor.
  4. Be able to proficiently replicate familiar aspects of the patient’s complaints to develop a treatment plan.
  5. Be able to move beyond formulaic, introductory intervention strategies toward a more spontaneous method of intervention.

Instructional Methods

There is a quiz after the 14.0-hour live course, which the Learner must pass with a grade of 80% or higher. Learners will be observed and assessed during the hands-on lab portion of the class and monitored for participation and understanding during the lecture/demonstration portion of the class to determine whether the stated objectives have been successfully met. Learners will be required to demonstrate proficiency in both the hands-on and verbal interactive parts of the labs by performing each sequence on the instructor or teaching assistant.

Time-Ordered Agenda

Day 1

8:30 – 9:00                   Registration

9:00 – 10:15 (1.25)   Introduction and discussion points

10:15 – 10:30               Break

10:30 – 11:45 (1.25)     1. Oral, buccal, and lip regions

11:45 – 12:45 (1.0)       2. Jaw region

12:45 – 1:45                 Lunch

1:45 – 2:45 (1.0)          3. Sublingual, submental, and suprahyoid regions

2:45 – 3:00                  Break

3:00 – 4:15 (1.25)        4. Tongue region

4:15 – 5:30 (1.25)        5. Lateral face, neck, and shoulder region

End Day 1 (7.0 Instructional hours)

Day 2

9:00 – 10:30 (1.30)     6. Anterior cervical region

10:30 – 10:45               Break

10:45 – 12:00  (1.25)  7. Laryngeal region

12:00 – 1:00                Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 (1.0)          8. Cervical-occipital lift

2:00 – 2:15                  Break

2:15 – 3:15 (1.0)          9. Anterior and posterior neck to shoulder approaches

3:15 – 4:15  (1.0)         10. Upper thoracic and shoulder regions

4:15 – 5:30 (1.25)        11. Lower thoracic and diaphragm region

End Day 2 (7.0 Instructional hours)

14.0 Total Instructional hours

This course is offered for 1.40 ASHA CEUs (Advanced Level; Professional Area).

Approved by NCBTMB and New York Sponsored for 14.0 Live CEs.


Walt Fritz has the following relevant financial relationship to disclose: He receives royalties from similar course content delivered through Medbridge Massage and Talk Tools. He has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Please refer to the list linked here for complete disclosure of information on teaching assistants who may be involved with individual seminars.

Registration Details and Cancellation Policy

Enrollment at all seminars is limited. The registration fee includes the mandatory 2-hour pre-seminar online module and the in-person, live hands-on seminar and the PDF of the course syllabus (distributed by email approximately 2-3 weeks before the class date). No meals, lodging, transportation, or parking are included in the registration fee. For syllabus usage at the live, in-person seminar, you can download the syllabus to an electronic reader, laptop, iPad, etc., or print it out for use in the seminar. You will not be provided a hard copy unless you notify us beforehand.

Registration payment may be made using the payment link from the individual class location page listed below, by using a check or credit card payment from the registration form available here, or payment by phone using a credit card (585-244-6180). An email confirmation will be sent to you after payment is received at our office. The attached registration form must be completed in its entirety, or you will forfeit your seat in the class.

You may cancel your registration up to 14 days before the seminar with a $50 processing fee. If you need to cancel less than 14 days before the seminar, you may transfer your registration to another seminar of your choice. Otherwise, you will forfeit the full registration fee. Refunds will be processed within 30 days of the refund request and will be made through the payment source from which your payment was originally made. No matter the timing, all refunds for payments made by credit cards will also be reduced by the actual Merchant Fees charged to merchants. The credit card processing company does not refund this fee to the merchant, and it is typically 3% of the purchase price. The actual transaction form, which shows your purchase and the fees paid by the merchant, will be sent to you before processing the refund to allow you to view the fee above.

We reserve the right to cancel any seminar based upon minimum class enrollment requirements or another emergency, in which case the tuition fee will be returned in full within 30 days of the canceled event. Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars is not responsible for any guaranteed/prepaid airline/hotel reservation. Before booking your travel, you are advised to email or call to ensure the class is confirmed.

Any grievances or concerns regarding Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars should be made to:

Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars
PO Box 548
Lima, NY 14485
(fax: 1-866-413-9019)

Privacy and Security Policy


If you have concerns or complaints, please email us using the “Contact” link in the top menu bar. Please include the best way to contact you and we will reply within one week. Our goal is to provide quality continuing education to all, and your concerns will be addressed, and a solution will be made towards that end. Once a complaint is received and rectified to your satisfaction, we will ensure that gaps noted in our programs are addressed, with modifications made to ensure the issue does not reoccur.

Target Audience

  • Intended for SLPs/Voice Professionals, SLPAs, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and other appropriately licensed health professionals.
  • This course is offered for 1.45 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area.)
  • While some approvals are already in place, CEUs for PTs/OTs will be approved as needed; please inquire early. NOTE: If you will be requesting PT or OT CEUs, you must do so early or risk the CEUs not being approved. 
  • Massage Therapy CEs (NCBTMB and NYS MTs, 14.0 CE Hrs) are approved.

Current Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Seminar locations:

Evidence to support the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders seminars may be found here.


Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders Seminar (in-person or online.) You qualify if you’ve taken the Introductory class in person or online. Special discounts are available for those who wish to bundle the Online Introductory class with the in-person Advanced class. Please get in touch with me using the link in the menu for details. 

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