Research Monday. Another of the resources I use as validation of the manual therapy/MFR approach to my MFR for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders workshop.

Krisciunas, G.P., Golan, H., Marinko, L.N., Pearson, W., Jalisi, S. and Langmore, S.E. (2016), A novel manual therapy
programme during radiation therapy for head and neck cancer – our clinical experience with five patients. Clinical Otolaryngology.
doi: 10.1111/coa.12535…/10.1111/coa.12535/abstract
“SLP Treatment Protocol Overview:
1. MyoFascial Release on muscles of mastication.
2. Lateral tongue stretch pulling the hyoid down and push to contralateral side.
3. Geniohyoid and posterior mylohyoid (from body of hyoid laterally to mandible) are especially targeted.
In contrast to concerns that manual therapy would be painful/intolerable during radiation therapy, all patients felt that
manual therapy lessened their throat pain.”
“Collectively, this suggests that clinicians properly trained in manual therapy techniques, who also have significant
experience with head and neck cancer patients, can deliver such treatment during radiation therapy.”
“Overall, this clinical experience demonstrated that manual therapy during radiation therapy can be tolerated by
patients, and that it attenuated generalized neck/throat pain during the course of each treatment session.”

Walt Fritz, PT


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Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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