Do you?

I know that I do. I love that I am reasonably certain that I can improve a person’s pain. Not everyone (anyone who says they can is not being honest), but most. I love coming into my office each day and helping. I have an amazing caseload that changes weekly. There is always someone who stimulates my curiosity and interest. And, I love teaching myofascial release. My seminar business is small but growing. I love turning the light bulb on for therapists new to myofascial release and turning up the wattage on therapists who have already been exposed to myofascial release in the past.  I am really happy in what I do for a living.


Do you love your job?

Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

7 Responses to Do You Love Your Job?

  1. I feel the same way you do. I know that if a client presents with a soft tissue problem/ imbalance/ weakness, etc., that I have tools to help and I love the reaction from the client when it does.I have an insatiable appetite for learning all that I can about this wonderful work. I wish your seminar was closer to the Northern Va. area.
    P.S. how about posting some videos to the site?

  2. It is IMPERATIVE that therapists broaden their horizons of learning. Sooo many classes and techniques offered…WHY keep repeating the SAME classes over and over???? It becomes a social activity NOT NEW learning….Money is tight. I would state that taking your Advanced Foundations in Myofascial Release class was $ and time WELL spent…

  3. Walt,
    I am so in love with my job. Through Aston-Patterning(R) I have such variety in my work that every session is a totally new experience, even with people I have worked with for years. Aston-Kinetics(R) is like an operating system under which there are so many specific Assessment tools and techniques or programs to choose from. The variety of applications are vast as there are people with bodies. The concepts are so powerful yet gentle to the practitioner and client that I feel I can do this work forever. Each person has their own pattern of body use, injury and function. Each client is my teacher. It is my job to find a way to give them ease and a new place that they can work with, to find their healing path. I am glad to announce I will be teaching an Intro To Aston-Pattering Class in Austin Texas at Lauterstien Conway Massage school. Also-Judith Aston has a new Facebook Group to discuss the Aston-Kinetics concepts: Aston Kinetics Group. I would love to see your comments there!
    Have a wonderful day ,

  4. Hi, it is so great to hear people still being passionate about this amazing profession we are in. I’ve been in Physio/Massage for over 25 years, and have not felt understimulated, bored or really confident – yet. Soo much to learn and soo little time 🙂 Would love to come to one of your workshops. Do you think you will teach here in Vancouver/Canada sometime?

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