This morning, as I was driving to work, I passed a garbage truck. The guy hanging off of the back of the truck brought me back about 40 plus years to when my goal in life was to be that guy. There was something so daring about being able to ride through the streets hanging onto that handle, feet on the small perch. As a seven year old, I emulated that guy by getting as close as possible to his task. I got a job retrieving neighbor’s garbage cans the morning they were emptied, placing them back in position behind houses, in return for a nickle a can. Not bad money for a seven year old, at least to me.

Maybe it was the hands-on nature of that garbage man’s job that I desired so much. Many of my hobbies and jobs after that time were of a similar hands-on nature. To this day, I make my living with my hands.

As I saw that man this morning, I did not have the longing I once did. But it did take me back a few years.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.


Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

2 Responses to Garbage Man

  1. I still like to watch them hang off the back and jump off, put the trash in the truck, and jump back on. Fitness at its peak. Gotta wonder if they work so quickly so they can finish the job quickly and escape the stench. ;^)

    Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to give thanks for the hands that heal.

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