In my training as a physical therapist, pharmacology was required study. Traditional physical therapy comes in contact with many different medications for pain, inflammation, etc. As I began my Myofascial Release training, medications were viewed as maskers of symptoms and frowned upon.

Research published earlier this year shed light on a promising new treatment partner for fibromyalgia sufferers. Low-dose naltrexone has shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms (pain) of fibromyalgia. Published in 2009 by the scientific journal Pain Medicine, low-dose naltrexone produced a 30% reduction in symptoms vs use of a placebo. Given the very low side effects of this compounded medication, it merits inclusion into the treatment choices of fibromyalgia sufferers. Low-dose naltrexone is not a pain medication. It affects the body in different ways. You can read the full text versioin of this research paper on my website (#229).

Walt Fritz, PT

Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

3 Responses to New Treatments for Fibromyalgia

  1. It is so great that the medical field is looking further into help for those with Fibromyalgia. Dr Ray Strand has done some ground breaking research work on this as he has helped his wife gain control of her fibromyalgia. He has recommendations for high grade antioxidants and omega3s with great results.

  2. This is also good news for those who suffer with fibromyalgia, which is so debilitating that I know people whose marriages and relationships have ended because the partner cannot deal with the attention needed by the person with this chronic, often incapacitating disease. It is so good to hear of a medication that does not merely mask the pain or treat the symptoms (especially painkillers which are addictive & have so many terrible side effects!). I look forward to reading the details about this new medication and how it “affects the body in different ways”. Thank you for disseminating information on this newest research.

    • Kim,

      The Low Dose Naltrexone website has a large amount of information on the benefits of this medication and the disorders with which it is effective, with the science to back it up. Unlike some of the unsubstantiated claims that are made on behalf of some supplements and herbal therapies, the influence that naltrexone, in low doses, has on the body has been proven.

      Medication can mask symptoms, or it can make a change in the physiology to elicit changes. The choice is often not left to the patient, but is usually up te the physician. They may or may not be aware of newer advances in medications such as this one, which need to be compounded from stronger doses and are not available from the average pharmacy. More importantly, this medication has been in the generic realm for years (very little profit for the drug companies), so the normal push from commercial interests is absent. No profits made equates to no advertising, which means little public awareness.

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