My N=1 story. 20 years ago I suffered two spiral crush fractures of my lumbar spine, all while riding on a pasture horse named Sweetie (true story, true name). Sweetie was actually a fairly old horse who happened to be grey….an old grey mare. I had 2-3 years of regular, daily pain, attributed to the secondary issues of what were at that time diagnosed as disc herniation-type pain. I DID live in fear for many years, even after the primary pain subsided, fueled by 3-4 time per year reoccurrences of some pretty bad back region pain. I heeded my health practitioners’ advice, initially from my MD as well as the other people who helped me return to function, but some of this advice was avoidance warnings as well as predictions of limitations in mobility and function for the remainder of my life. I’m not always the best patient, at least when it comes to heeding warnings.
Yesterday I shoveled 4 yards of dirt into a wheelbarrow and moved it to a job site on a different part of my property. I woke up this morning stiff, but not my low back, which feels as strong as before Sweetie and I met. There was a period of time when I would hear those health professional’s words in my ear, warning me not to do such work as I would injure myself further, risking permanent damage. But I had a life to live and I worked my way to a point where I can live a fully healthy and active lifestyle. I ignored the warnings which did not come from my MD. He basically told me to stay active and see what happens. He told me to let pain be my guide but not my master.
I am not at all trying to say that you are me. Maybe you have a condition that truly should cause you to live and act with caution. But ask yourself a question: is the health professional who is planting these fears telling you a story that contradicts all of the other health professionals you have seen? Even if that person is seeming to help you, might you be better served finding a provider who does not use fear as a primary motivator. Pain does not always equate to damage and “damage” can be overcome.
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