January 5, 2021 Sports Therapy Association Podcast, including papers discussed

(Link to the entire video interview)
Some of the papers and resources spoken about in today’s podcast:
A Framework and Resources for Shared Decision Making: Opportunities for Improved Physical Therapy Outcomes (Moore) Full-text link
Manual therapy: Exploiting the role of human touch (Geri) Link
The evolution of manual therapy education: what are we waiting for? (Kolb) Full-text link
Unraveling the Mechanisms of Manual Therapy: Modeling an Approach (Bialosky)
Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient (Anjum) Link to free e-book
What effect can manual therapy have on a patient’s pain experience? (Bishop) Full-text link
Psychologically informed physical therapy for musculoskeletal pain: current approaches, implications, and future directions from recent randomized trials (Coronado) Full-text link
The influence of the therapist-patient relationship on treatment outcome in physical rehabilitation: a systematic review (Hall) Full-Text link
Reconceptualising manual therapy skills in contemporary practice (Rabey) Full-text link
Does shared decision making results in better health related outcomes for individuals with painful musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review (Tousignant-Laflamme) Full-text link
The traditional mechanistic paradigm in the teaching and practice of manual therapy : Time for a reality check (Wellens) Full-text link
Context matters: the psychoneurobiological determinants of placebo, nocebo and context-related effects in physiotherapy (Rossettini) Full-text link
Thinking Practitioner Podcast, Ep 23_ Do Expectations Shape Results_ Mark Bishop Link
Words Matter Podcast Link
Links to online courses: While my online courses appear to be context specific to the patient needs of the speech-language pathologist/therapist, the material covers a very broad range. I feel it is useful content for all professionals in the hands-on field. You can view the online courses at this link.
Dates for the summer, 2021 2-Day course in Birmingham, UK will be posted shortly.
Walt Fritz, PT
Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars and The Pain Relief Center
Please consider checking out my online course offerings, , including a full hands-on online course. You can find the information here. Also, read up on my in-person seminars at the links in the menu on this page.

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