Home Stretching Handouts
Below is a link to a Google Drive folder containing many home stretches that you may use to share with your own patients. Please note that each is in need of an update, with regards to the wording that I now use with my own patients. A few tips:
- Never just hand someone a handout and expect them to perform it (or perform it correctly). Only provide homework after treatment the patient yourself. This allows them to have a better idea as to what the stretch should feel like.
- Always stress that lighter might be better.
- Use these handouts with due caution and always refer your patient back to their physician if questions/problems arise.
“Link to Google Drive Folder”

Want videos to support the work taught in the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders class? You may also wish to check out the many home stretching videos I’ve uploaded to YouTube.