Shared Decision-Making

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapy Setting Much of the past decade has been spent refining my approach to manual therapy. What began as a myofascial release (MFR) approach, one steeped in mysteries and presented from the position as clinician-as-expert, has evolved considerably. Based on my understandings of how manual therapy impacts the patient, I… Continue Reading

Demonizing Manual Therapy

Demonizing Manual Therapy A new article came to my attention today, one written by Chad Cook, PT, Ph.D., titled, The Demonization of Manual Therapy. Chad has been a defender of manual therapy as a valuable adjunct to many interventions and has put up some great podcasts and interviews that I’ve enjoyed over the past two… Continue Reading

Are we the modality? A common denominator

Are we the modality? A common denominator

Are we the modality? A common denominator The longer I exist in the world of manual therapy, the more I see little difference between styles of work or modalities. Despite claims of unique access to single tissues or pathologies, all manual therapy is performed in remarkably similar ways. What are the underlying qualities of each… Continue Reading

Manual therapy and head neck cancer rehabilitation

Manual therapy and head neck cancer rehabilitation

Manual therapy and head neck cancer rehabilitation Does manual therapy (MT) have a legitimate place in the treatment of post-head neck cancer dysfunction? Many in the SLP field that there is not enough evidence to consider MT a legitimate, evidence-based intervention. I thought it time to look at the topic. While not common, evidence exists… Continue Reading

State and National Continuing Education Approvals

State and National Continuing Education Approvals NCBTMB provider #451098-09, expires 8/31/2027 (All approvals, including the NY Sponsored approvals, may be downloaded here.) Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders ASHA CEUs: 1.45NCBTMB CEs: includes New York State, 15.0 Alaska: PT CEUs have been applied for in advance of the August 2024 class. OTs may… Continue Reading

Flipping the Script

Flipping the Script

Flipping the Script: Shared Decision-Making Hi new patient, I’m the expert. I a physical therapist (no DPT, sorry) with 35 years of experience. Those years include a ton of continuing education and independent research. They include tens of thousands of patient-contact hours. I’ve been an educator in the continuing education field since 1995. With all… Continue Reading

January 5, 2021 Sports Therapy Association Podcast, including papers discussed

January 5, 2021 Sports Therapy Association Podcast, including papers discussed

January 5, 2021 Sports Therapy Association Podcast, including papers discussed (Link to the entire video interview) Some of the papers and resources spoken about in today’s podcast: A Framework and Resources for Shared Decision Making: Opportunities for Improved Physical Therapy Outcomes (Moore) Full-text link Manual therapy: Exploiting the role of human touch (Geri) Link The… Continue Reading

Podcasts and Articles

Podcasts and Articles

Walt Fritz, PT’s Podcasts, Videos, and Articles Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in a number of podcasts and interviews that are available for listening. They range from voice/swallowing-specific to more general interviews that speak to various aspects of the manual therapy work that I teach. Strongly represented are principles… Continue Reading

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapies In the Issue 2, 2020 of MNZ Magazine I contributed an article that speaks to evolving ways to view the patient/clinician interaction. Manual therapy (MFR, massage, etc.) all tend to be operator-centric, where the clinician is seen as the expert and carries the weight of decision-making. But the interactor… Continue Reading

Podcast with The Naked Vocalist

Podcast with The Naked Vocalist

Podcast with The Naked Vocalist I recently was interviewed by Steve Giles and Chris Johnson, both UK-based vocal coaches, about my rather different approach to manual therapy with the vocalist. Below is a short clip, with the full video viewable on Facebook at this link. The full video goes deep into manual therapy and voice,… Continue Reading

How Challenging Our Identity Can Make Us Better Therapists

This is a repost of an article by my colleague Jamie Johnston. Jamie is a British Columbia-based RMT, owner of the Massage Therapist Development Centre, a website packed with information. Jamies is among a small but growing group of professionals who are breaking free of the culture of the tribalism inherent in many manual therapy… Continue Reading

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