References Cited

1. 2024 Newcastle Voice Conference, Keynote Address, December 3, 2024: “The “Art” of Palpation and How We Know What We Know. The Epistemology of Touch-Based Work.” 2. Keynote Address, December 4, 2024: Manual therapy in voice: the shared decision-making model. 3. February 2025 Short Course references for the Voice Study Centre, “Options with laryngeal manipulation:… Continue Reading

Reconciling Manual Therapy’s Use (and Teaching) in Today’s Evidence-Based Culture

Reconciling Manual Therapy’s Use (and Teaching) in Today’s Evidence-Based Culture Manual therapies have been minimized over the past few decades (some say demonized), some of which is well-deserved. Reliance on passive interventions of any type disempowers the patient and can potentially create dependency on the clinician and their services. Another negative is the many multi-tiered… Continue Reading

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Oral Motor Dysfunction

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Oral Motor Dysfunction Course Description This 4-hour, non-credit class offers the learner a focused look into manual therapy to address oral motor concerns. Content from the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders is repeated in this shorter class. The cost of this  course is $100.00. Link to the online… Continue Reading

Palpation: An Art of Not Knowing

Palpation: An Art of Not Knowing Learning palpation, to feel what we need to feel in order to intervene, is a source of frustration for newcomers to the manual therapy field. As I teach my Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders course to SLP and others, many of who’ve yet to be exposed… Continue Reading

Treatment by Walt Fritz, PT

Receive expert intervention from the person who teaches others Walt Fritz, PT, has been in private practice for over two decades and has been educating health professionals through person-centered manual therapy intervention since 2007. More recently, he has taught this work to speech-language pathologists and voice professionals to aid them in their interventions with patients… Continue Reading

Bringing new models into manual therapy for voice

Bringing new models into manual therapy for voice Stephen King and I got together again to discuss the evidence for variations in manual therapy models with voice careened to promote my March 2023 classes in London. In addition to my two-day Voice and Swallowing Disorders course (6-7 March), he and I will be joining together… Continue Reading

Foundations in Manual Therapy Whole Body Online Course

Foundations in Manual Therapy Whole Body Online Course The Course Course DescriptionA comprehensive foundational course for implementing manual therapy from the context of the massage therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and others with similar interests. This course teaches a slow, sustained style of manual therapy from a shared decision-making perspective. Head-to-toe issues and perspectives are… Continue Reading

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Online Course

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Online Course The Course ABIQ 2015. ASHA Course Description: A foundational course for implementing manual therapy for postural and body alignment concerns as part of the treatment plan for voice, swallowing, and related disorders, including hands-on training for specific interventions. The approach is presented from a… Continue Reading

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Balancing the Body Online Course

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Balancing the Body Online Course The Course ABIQ 2014. ASHA Course Description: A foundational course for implementing manual therapy for postural and body alignment concerns as part of the treatment plan for voice, swallowing, and related disorders, utilizing a hands-on and movement-based approach for specific interventions. The approach is presented from… Continue Reading

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