Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Online Course

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Advanced Voice and Swallowing Disorders Online Course The Course ABIQ 2015. ASHA Course Description: A foundational course for implementing manual therapy for postural and body alignment concerns as part of the treatment plan for voice, swallowing, and related disorders, including hands-on training for specific interventions. The approach is presented from a… Continue Reading

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Balancing the Body Online Course

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Balancing the Body Online Course The Course ABIQ 2014. ASHA Course Description: A foundational course for implementing manual therapy for postural and body alignment concerns as part of the treatment plan for voice, swallowing, and related disorders, utilizing a hands-on and movement-based approach for specific interventions. The approach is presented from… Continue Reading

Manual therapy safety in the head and neck: A person-centered guide

Manual therapy safety in the head and neck: A person-centered guide The December 2022 issue of the Massage New Zealand publication contained a feature article I was asked to write. The topic of safety when working in the head and neck field can take many forms, including strict medical concerns. I wrote a broader article… Continue Reading

Manual Therapy vs. Touch-Based Cueing. Can touch be non-denominational?

Might touch-based cueing be more similar to manual therapy/massage touch than many believe?

Thirty-seven years of a physical therapy career has taught me much but left me confused about just as much. I’ve learned the value of movement, be it presented as strengthening for the remediation of problems or a more generic movement for those same outcomes. I’ve seen the importance of balance, though now I shy away from seeing the solving of issues being dependent on achieving perfect balance. And I’ve seen touch help move people through their dysfunctions, though I no longer worship one form of touch as I once did.  Continue Reading

Deeper Dives: Live Online Courses

Deeper Dives: Live Online Courses If you are looking for the Zoom link to your live class:   To satisfy requests from clinicians who want to know more about the work I teach through the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders, I will begin offering live, Zoom-based 60-minute classes on specific topics or… Continue Reading

One-on-One Learning Options

In addition to traditional onsite group seminars at locations around the globe, I am now offering private, one-on-one offerings of the Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders training. These private classes are available at my Upstate New York clinic, accessible from the Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC). This option may also be available… Continue Reading

Building self-determination in our patients

Building self-determination in our patients “What I find so hard to understand is how I continue to improve without seeing you regularly!”These words, paraphrased based on my memory, were recently said to me by a patient. I frustrate new patients when they ask me how frequently they should be seen, and I reply with a… Continue Reading

Shared Decision-Making

Shared Decision-Making in the Manual Therapy Setting Much of the past decade has been spent refining my approach to manual therapy. What began as a myofascial release (MFR) approach, one steeped in mysteries and presented from the position as clinician-as-expert, has evolved considerably. Based on my understandings of how manual therapy impacts the patient, I… Continue Reading

Visual impacts of manual therapy

Internal views of externally applied interventions are a great way to see how touch may impact. Nothing guarantees change, but knowing what we know about patient perspectives and inclusion if we are able to reach and create awareness to centers responsible for voice and swallowing disorders, our chances of introducing change is quite good. Thanks… Continue Reading

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