The power of touch and presence vs. modality specific beliefs

The power of touch and presence vs. modality specific beliefs Disclaimer: I teach continuing education seminars for a living. When we touch patients in a therapeutic intervention, how many different “things” or actions can we really be accomplishing? How many different structures can we really make contact with or elicit change? With higher levels of… Continue Reading

MFR Treatment Tips: Intra-Oral

Next in the series of MFR Treatment Tips is this close-up video on my preferred finger placement when treating the inner aspect of the mandible. While at times referred to as a pterygoid treatment, I find this label limiting. For one, it is a perceptual fantasy to believe we can isolate and target an individual… Continue Reading

MFR Treatment Tips: The Anterior Cervical Region

I’ve posted a new video onto YouTube that covers treatment to the anterior cervical/throat region. I’ve treated this area for over twenty years with very nice results in the treatment of neck region pain as well as issues relating to radiculopathy-like symptoms into the arm and chest/shoulder regions. More recently Ive learned the value of… Continue Reading

Myofascial release and the evidence for speech, voice, and swallowing disorders.

Since this blog was originally published the Reference Page used for my Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders has been updated. Additionally, the relevant evidence has been inserted throughout the new Course Syllabus that is distributed in the seminar. Science is dynamic and so will this seminar and the evidence… Continue Reading

Rethinking your professional identity

What mental image might a person receive when you introduce yourself to them by saying “I am a physical therapist” (or massage therapist, or speech and language pathologist, or occupational therapist, or etc.)? This short statement of identity may create a cascade of mental images to your audience (the potential client) which may influence your… Continue Reading

Mechanosensitivity: “The doctor poked, and prodded, and scratched his chin. He could find nothing wrong”

“The doctor poked, and prodded, and scratched his chin. He could find nothing wrong.” from Imogene’s Antlers, by David Small. Imogene’s Antlers was one of my favorite books to read to my daughters when they were young. In it, the doctor was called in to examine Imogene, as she had spontaneously sprouted antlers. However, no… Continue Reading

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

I do the same thing over and over, improving bit by bit. There is always a yearning to achieve more. I’ll continue to climb, trying to reach the top, but no one knows where the top is. from Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Last evening, my wife and I sat down for a rather rare evening… Continue Reading

Hacking your way through the jungle of research claims

“When we place our hands on a patient and act/move in certain ways our patients improve.” Social media receives a good deal of criticism from folks who feel it is the ultimate waste of time…though those same folks are usually posting these opinions on social media. Research “findings” are frequently posted on mass media sites,… Continue Reading

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