Fitting myofascial release into an evidence‑based culture

“Myofascial release” and “evidence-based” are phrases that are seldom spoken together. Papers exist telling us how and why myofascial release (MFR) is not an evidence-based treatment model/modality. In today’s therapeutic culture, one that demands that we work from evidence-based perspectives, it is at time difficult to find much in manual therapy that appears to meet… Continue Reading

The Placebo Effect in Manual Therapy: An interview with Brian Fulton, RMT

In April of 2016, I had the pleasure to meet Brian Fulton, RMT, who was a co-presenter at the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of British Columbia’s Biennial Conference, “Manual Therapy: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Science and Practice”. His talk involved the understanding of the placebo effect in manual therapy and since that time I have been… Continue Reading

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Dialoguing in the Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar Approach

Every form of manual therapy has its unique way of engaging a patient/client, both physically and verbally. Talking is often frowned upon in massage/manual therapy, as it is believed to interfere with the relaxation response or allowing the patient to go deep. Those things are important aspects of some work, but not mine. My Foundations… Continue Reading

New Video: MFR for the Anterior Shoulder and Intercostal Regions

I’ve posted another free Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars MFR Treatment Tip to my YouTube channel. This one highlights some unique and simple ways to engage familiar aspects of upper thoracic/intercostal/shoulder region pain and dysfunction. What is different about my Foundations Approach? Small group trainings with a high level of one-on-one hands-on instruction directly from… Continue Reading

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