Riffs and Mods
Most of us learn manual therapy (MFR, massage, trigger point work, etc.) from a specific paradigm, one that defines a protocol or sequence. That sequence is based on the perception of tissue-based problems and tissue-based solutions. MFR was said to be non-protocol-based, but even they define their terms and rules: always wait for the fascia to soften and then follow the flow and facilitate unwinding. Though I left those fascia-based beliefs behind, I continue to use a style of manual therapy recognizable by some as a typical MFR-style of engagement. However, as I no longer feel that my work specifically lengthen or releases the fascia, I am free to and open to other models and perspectives. The one I’ve become most fond of is the listening-to-the-patient’s-perspectives model or formula. Instead of me telling what should be done, we work through the process together, as a team, sharing decisions.
This video highlights some riffs on an occipital lift. I’ve modified my way of using it considerably from the way I was taught it 30 years back, and each day I learn new ways to connect with my patient’s issues. Give it a watch and check out my many podcasts, videos, and articles at www.WaltFritz.com. I’d also be honored if you considered taking a workshop with me.
Walt Fritz, PT
Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars

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