Walt Fritz’s Neck, Voice & Swallowing Disorders Seminar: ‘The Experience’ (A Review of a Recent Seminar)

Wilson Nice, the owner of the website/blog NiceSpeechLady, recently attended one of my seminars and was kind enough to write a review of the class. Wilson supplies the SLP with TONS of free information and resources, so please give her website a close inspection.
“By nicespeechlady.com / January 26, 2020
Setting down the clipboard. Chalking up the hands. Working at skillfully using my fingers as tools. Using questioning and listening in the clinician-patient relationship to flow therapy in a new direction. Letting the patient guide the therapy.
All things that I experienced. And I would like to share with you, today; how it all came together. I would like to list out the highlights of what I took away from my experience. And how I am glad I didn’t miss it for the world.
I had long awaited for this day, for Walt Fritz to come to Albuquerque for his Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders course. Walt has traveled all over the country, and all over the world to present, but he had not yet come to this region, so I was thrilled for the opportunity. His course been listed as one of the premier courses to take for head and neck cancer patients by leaders in the field. I was expecting to only apply this modality to this population, and was pleasantly surprised that the benefits of manual therapy are not isolated to one diagnosis.
I will say that I thoroughly appreciated the following….”
To read the rest of the review please follow this link to the NiceSpeechLady website.
Walt Fritz, PT
Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars
Copyright© 2020 Walt Fritz, PT
Please check out my seminar offerings at this link. I teach seminars across the globe to professionals of all types, including SLPs, Voice Professionals, and Massage/Physical/Occupational therapists. .
I am a proud member of the Medbridge Massage team of educators. I have 8 online courses, all presented from my updated, science-informed model of myofascial release. Take advantage of some pretty great discounts with a 12-month package of viewing, learning and CEUs with unlimited viewing of not only my (pretty great) courses but also over a dozen of the top educators in the massage profession. Approved for CEUs for all US MTs. Use the discount code FRITZmassage for the $49/year price by using this link: Medbridge Massage.
I can also offer some pretty great discounts to SLPs, PTs, and OTs through Medbridge Education. Click the image below here to have the discount applied.

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