Can touch be non-denominational?

Can touch be non-denominational?

If you are reading this post chances are you’ve taken some sort of manual therapy training, or at least are considering taking some. If you are a newbie, consider this warning; no matter what sort of training you undertake you will be dragged down a rabbit hole of beliefs. These beliefs will include the tissues of greatest importance when it comes to movement disorders and pain as well as which pathologies (or metaphoric pathologies) that are believed to be impacted by that style of touch/manual therapy. While we may be impacting those tissues or pathologies, can we know with certainty? I think not, despite the pervasive beliefs to the opposite. Can one choose which tissue they wish to impact, including picking one muscle over another, despite both being in the same area? Can we impact SCM (sternocleidomastoid) without also impacting the overlying platysma? Nope. Can we chose to treat someone’s fascia without also impacting their muscles, nerves, lymph, etc.? Nope. Might there be broader impacts of touch and stretching than the pathologies thought to be at the root of cause? Yup.


Walt Fritz, PT

Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars


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Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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