Full participant feedback from a recent seminar

I recently taught three of my Myofascial Release (manual therapy) for Neck, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders seminars in the UK and my hosts from the Birmingham class, SVS Associates, were kind enough to share their compiled survey/feedback results with me in an unedited form. I mention that it was unedited as I see it all too easy to weed out the less than complimentary feedback responses to skew the data, or least the appearance of the data. This seminar attracts a wide range of professionals, from therapists who have spent years using manual therapy in the clinical setting to people who have never touched in a therapeutic manner in the past. As such it can be a challenge to present work that has meaning to the broad section of this population without speaking over or under their skill level and understanding. Also, I make no bones about pretending to know all that each professional attending my class knows. Some crave more anatomical and physiological discussion while others want less. Some love my frank and abstract way of viewing the explanation for our impact on the less-than-tissue-specific manner in which I teach, while others are frustrated as I do not spend the amount of time that they feel should be allotted top discussing (fill in the tissue of your choice). Not everyone takes to a certain person or line of work. However, I feel confident enough in the work that I teach and the way that I teach it to share this full feedback with you.

All of this being said, here is the feedback survey from what was a larger sized group of 40-42 professionals. I had with me 2 skilled therapists who are both quite familiar with my work, as they use it regularly, as well as experts in their field. We had professionals from across the UK and other parts of Europe.

Survey Monkey Feedback from Walt Fritz’s Birmingham, UK MFR Seminar, July 2019


Walt Fritz, PT

Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars

Please check out my seminar offerings at this link. I now teach seminars across the globe to professionals of all types.

I am a proud member of the Medbridge Massage team of educators. I have 8 online courses, all presented from my updated, science-informed model of myofascial release. Take advantage of some pretty great discounts with a 12-month package of viewing, learning and CEUs with unlimited viewing of not only my (pretty great) courses but also over a dozen of the top educators in the massage profession. Approved for CEUs for all US MTs. Use the discount code FRITZmassage for the $49/year price by using this link: Medbridge Massage.

I can also offer some pretty great discounts to SLPs, PTs, and OTs through Medbridge Education. Click the image below here to have the discount applied.


Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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