I am a carnivore. I have come to terms with this. I was a vegetarian for a number of years, but drifted back to what was more comfortable. I know what I’m eating, even though the named cut of meat little resembles it’s anatomical name. A strip steak or ribeye give one little clue as to it’s origin. Even though I know that the tenderloin is the cow’s psoas, I feel there is a degree of separation that allows me not to think too much about its origin.

This all changed this morning, with an article in my local newspaper’s living section on the “new” steaks. Among a few innocuous named cuts was the Teres Major, as well as a recipe for this cut. My degree of separation was completely demolished.  Is this crafty meat marketing or a major mistake? Maybe only those with some degree of anatomical knowledge will be bothered by this new cut. Count me in that group.

For now,

Walt Fritz, PT

Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

3 Responses to Teres Major…Steak. Really?

  1. I am right there with you Walt! I’m the person that makes jokes about eating intercostals at summer BBQ’s but this really does sit with me a bit differently.

  2. I’m never unaware that I am eating muscles when I eat any type of meat. It doesn’t matter what they call it – I never have the degree of separation.

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