Close game, outcome the same…

When I decided to begin teaching my own brand of Myofascial Release trainings, I was asked; “Why would you want to start this, when there are so many people who are big in the field?”. I knew right away they had just answered their own question.

I am grateful of the training I received in continuing education from a wide variety of sources, and I am looking to learn more. My education continues. But the one thing I saw from a few of the people who I studied with was that size matters. Large organizations require large classes. Large organizations require “frequent fliers” to keep them going. The organization must have many heads that feed each other. It’s the nature of the beast.

Large class size was one of the frequent complaints from attendees, but the organization rationalized this by telling them that larger classes have greater energy, which makes for a better class. That was true for the live wires in the class, but the average learner often got neglected. This is why I decided to teach my Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars.

The beast is fine for many, but not for all.

Walt Fritz
Author: Walt Fritz

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